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Cellule de refroidissement rapide multifonction, l'évolution de la technologie

Blast-chiller for domestic use: specifically, we talk about the Foster blast-chiller. This is a completely innovative kind of blast-chiller, which is really up to competing against professional appliances. I would even say that they feature more functions than a professional machine.
The plus of this appliance is not the classic function of a blast-chiller, that is to be able to cool down in just a few minutes a dish just out of the oven.
This appliance uses a mixture of cold and heat, and this enables us to perform functions that were just unthinkable before.

Another big difference comparing to the previous generation of blast-chillers is the
consumption: this appliance uses just 0,3 kW, that is less than half a kW, compared to previous appliances using 3 to 4 kW.

The functions of the Foster blast-chiller are spread over two screen pages, the first one dedicated to the cold functions, the second to the cold-heat mix-up.
When we talk about cold, we are thinking about the classic blast-chilling function, but also freezing or pre-cooling of the machine, or the fish sanitation function, which is really helpful if we want to eat fresh fish, especially raw; but we talk also about the beverages’ cooling function, which acts quite quickly.

In the second screen page we find the more innovative functions, which make the real difference compared to a previous-generation appliance; for instance the bread-rising function, divided in three phases: direct, indirect or retarded rising, with which we can keep the finished product at its peak condition for up to 72 hours.
We then talk about the function I consider the most interesting one, which is to have the rising of a mass of product, even a ready one, and then cool it to a negative temperature.
We are not talking about just freezing, but deep-freezing, which is much better to maintain the organoleptic features of the product, and allows us to cool very quickly our preparation, for instance a pizza base or sandwiches or croissants, and then store them directly in the freezer.

Now we talk about the low-temperature cooking. This process is great to cook, but also for fermentations and desiccations. One of the simplest fermentations is the make Yoghurt. We put our milk and probiotics in the blast-chiller in the evening, and find our ready and chilled yoghurt in the morning.
We can then use the desiccation function for instance to obtain some dried berries, apples or other fruit, to garnish our yoghurt and offer our family a 100% home-made breakfast.